t0m's Lookout - a webpage change watcher

Write a nice request to the Lookout

Dear Lookout, could you please keep an eye on and as soon as it gets updated?

Fancy quote

To be a surrealist means barring from your mind all remembrance of what you have seen, and being always on the lookout for what has never been.

René Magritte


This is a simple experiment I made that you can use for free, with no guarantee that it will work forever (or ever). Keep in mind that as faithful as it is, Lookout is not super smart, so highly dynamic pages are likely to trigger notifications all the time. Also, I will never use your email for anything else than sending these notifications, and the address is deleted from the database as soon as you unsubscribe. You can contact me at lookout (at) t0m.fr

Enjoy :)